
Xyntaraki Hara-Language School is directly connected to CERN

Xyntaraki Hara-Language School connects directly with CERN ⚛️, on Tuesday 17/12 at 14:00 and for 2 full hours! Our students will have the opportunity to chat with scientists from one of the largest and most recognized Research Institutions in the world, to ask them interesting questions and to explore the magical world of science, from

By |2022-06-26T00:31:43+00:00November 9th, 2021|Events|Comments Off on Xyntaraki Hara-Language School is directly connected to CERN

Easter crafts and Easter egg hunting 🐣 had the day for #Xyntaraki_Family … but not only!

Easter crafts and Easter egg hunting had the day for #Xyntaraki_Family ... but not only!

By |2022-06-26T00:31:43+00:00November 9th, 2021|Events|Comments Off on Easter crafts and Easter egg hunting 🐣 had the day for #Xyntaraki_Family … but not only!

Rio De Janeiro, Brazil.

We're traveling to Rio de Janeiro with no passport, no plane ticket, and no luggage. The tour will last about 60 mins and will be live-streamed by your guide directly from the Botanical Garden. Forget about slideshows or pre-recorded videos, this is a live broadcast, and anything can happen! While on the tour, you'll

By |2022-06-26T00:31:43+00:00April 10th, 2021|Events|Comments Off on Rio De Janeiro, Brazil.


We are the 1st foreign language center in Greece that attended a virtual exhibition of paintings abroad, talked to the creators of the works in English and received the congratulations of the organizers and the artists! When language becomes the means to travel, to broaden your horizons and to acquire culture, then the process

By |2022-06-26T00:31:43+00:00March 1st, 2021|Events|Comments Off on virtual_artists_galleries
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